
Registration for the 51st EBES Conference is now open. For now, only the first two days of the conference (April 11th and 12th) will be in-person and the last day will be online only. 

To register, you should complete the online registration form and pay the registration fee. Participants also have an option to pay the registration fee via bank transfer. To obtain the bank account details, please contact us at [email protected]. In order to be included in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book, the registration fee must be received by March 20, 2025. Invoice will be handed to you at the conference or sent via email. If you do not inform us, we would simply put your name and university/affiliation to the invoice.

At least one author must be registered for each accepted paper to be included in the Conference Program. Registration fee is 500 Euros for in person, 350 Euros for online presentation, and 200 Euros for each additional paper (online or in person). The first author who registers (not relevant to the author list on the paper) is considered the main author thus needs to pay the main author fee then each additional co-author who would like to attend needs to pay the co-author fee for in person 400 Euros and online/virtual 300 Euros. Registration is required for all participants attending the conference. Registration fee includes the Conference Program (printed), Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number on an USB drive in PDF form), conference proceedings (on an USB drive in PDF form), and other conference materials. For in person presenters it also includes coffee breaks and lunch during the conference. Accommodation is not included.

Main Author

In Person Presentation

Only in Person

500 €


Online Virtual Presentation

Only Online

350 €

In person Co-author

Atending Co-author

In person

400 €

Online Co-Author



300 €

Add.Paper Fee

Each Add. Paper

In person or Online

200 €

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