14th EBES Conference Barcelona Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference 14th EBES Conference – BarcelonaOctober 23-25, 2014Barcelona, Spain We have successfully organized our fourteenth conference in Barcelona, Spain. 14th EBES Conference – Barcelona was held on…
13th EBES Conference Istanbul Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference Scenes from the Conference
13th EBES Conference Istanbul Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference Best Paper Award In 13th EBES Conference – Istanbul, the best paper award went to “Does Trade Cause Capital to Flow? Evidence from Historical Rainfalls” by…
13th EBES Conference Istanbul Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference 13th EBES Conference – IstanbulJune 5-7, 2014Istanbul, TurkeyHosted byIstanbul Bilgi University We have successfully organized our thirteenth conference in Istanbul, Turkey. 13th EBES Conference –…
12th EBES Conference Singapore Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference Scenes from the Conference
12th EBES Conference Singapore Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference Best Paper Award In 12th EBES Conference – Singapore, the best paper award went to “Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs” by George Pennacchi from…
12th EBES Conference Singapore Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference 12th EBES Conference – SingaporeJanuary 9-11, 2014SingaporeHosted byNanyang Technological UniversitySchool of Humanities and Social Sciences We have successfully organized the 12th EBES Conference in Singapore. 12th EBES…
11th EBES Conference Ekaterinburg Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference Scenes from the Conference
11th EBES Conference Ekaterinburg Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference Best Paper Award In 11th EBES Conference – Ekaterinburg, the best paper award went to “Gender Diversity and Securities Fraud” by Douglas Cumming from York University,…
11th EBES Conference Ekaterinburg Conference Program Directory of Participants Best Paper Award Scenes from the Conference 11th EBES Conference – EkaterinburgSeptember 12-14, 2013Ekaterinburg, RussiaHosted bythe Institute of EconomicsUral Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences We have successfully organized our eleventh…